Monday, September 09, 2002

no news doesn't mean nothing's happening.

here i am again with a brief update. more pictures are promised, as always, but not now, soon.

we've been flooded with guests and well wishers. i'm even catching flak for not publicising how great the boy's grandparents are. but, i'm holding my ground. if i start tooting one horn then they'll all want to be tooted and i'll get pooped from all the tooting. so, just know there are some seriously proud granparents out there.

we went to his two week doc check up the other day. all is well with the boy. here are his stats:

weight - 8lb 6oz (which is the 75th percentile)
height - 22 and a half inches (which is the 95th percentile) - hope the kid likes basketball.

the doc went over the echo cardiogram report and not much new to report there. the VSD could cause problems later in life because its location could effect the way the valve leaflets grow. then again, it could close up and be just fine. we'll see the specialist in the next month or two. and, since his stats and all other signs are good, there's no immediate concern.

he's a great kid. we're having way too much fun with him to pull away and spend any time online. but, we'll get back into a groove here sooner or later.